Oct 18, 2022

Our Overseas Friends

Some of our Build Team recently flew to Stavanger, Norway to seek an alternative build method for the UK Market. They met with Per Cato  a developer and producer of revolutionary, non-corroding reinforcement solutions for concrete made from Mineral Fibre Composite. Mineral Fibre Composite is used as the main superstructure on new builds, this concrete is non-metallic, non-corroding and best of all fire resistant. It has lower density and higher tensile strength than steel and zero carbon.

 During a visit to the Panel Producing Plant our teams had the opportunity to see first-hand how they develop the concrete into panels for innovative and cost-effective structural integrity. Afterwards, our team were then shown some completed new builds that had been built using this unique construction method.

See more about ReforceTech here: https://reforcetech.com/about-us/our-story/

#FutureInnovation #nextlevelthinking #newbuilds

It was an insightful visit and we very much look forward to our strategic partnership in 2023!